Earning Freedom
We operate a suite of companies to improve outcomes for people experiencing aspects of the criminal justice system—at every stage of the journey.
Our Approach
Improving Outcomes
We engineer mitigation strategies to assist clients at every stage of the journey. Our unique infrastructure allows us to operate at scale, influencing the lives of more than 100,000 people every year. We create products and services as solutions in response to the collateral consequences of mass incarceration.
Prison Professors
We create daily content to improve outcomes for people facing challenges as a result of America’s growing criminal justice system.
White Collar Advice
We offer one-on-one consulting services for business professionals that face criminal charges as a result of business decisions.
Compliance Mitigation
We create risk-mitigation services and compliance training to help business leaders avoid government investigations.
Our Approach: Visualize Success / Plan / Prioritize / Execute
Why Choose Us?
Every member of our team has gone through a government investigation. Government attorneys or prosecutors brought charges against us. We’ve all recalibrated and emerged successfully, with our dignity intact. Customers hire us to architect strategies that will improve outcomes. Enterprise clients (law firms, consulting firms, government agencies) hire us to get better results. People in crisis hire us to restore confidence and move forward strategically.
Industry Leaders
We have the depth and breadth of experience to help you resolve your problems.
Innovative Approach
We offer turnkey solutions for our individual and for our enterprise clients, with proprietary strategies that get results.
Professional and Proprietary
Our innovative approach helps people avoid government investigations and gets better outcomes for targets.